Floor Jacks, was [s-cars] Robbery....LeMans Classic video

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Wed Nov 27 21:21:19 EST 2002

No Rod, actually there were "smiling" French men standing in line for, as
far as I know 2nd helpings of that brew from the pits of hell, both before,
AND after Mssr. Schneider made his gastronomic assdouill discovery.

Hey Bill, andouille puts a whole nother perspective on "belly dancing."
Mike, seeing as Teddy is the adventurous sort, I'm sure we should be able to
get Frederic d'H to FedEx Teddy a genuine andouille sandwich.  That c**p
make Mexican menudo soup, or a West By Damn Virginia prom date, sound
positively tasty, ... by comparison of course!

m "incredibly p*ssed he didn't make the 2nd trip" lp

PS of course we never did ascertain for certain what the French men standing
in line were actually "smiling" about.  It couldn't have been any of their
cars entered in the race.... there weren't any.

PPS Mike Schneider was probably spoiled by his night of debauchery at the
Boyer Les Crayeres
http://www.gerardboyer.com/uk/indexsommaire.htm  ---- go ahead, ask him if
it was as good as Georgia road kill possum.

~-----Original Message-----
~From: s-car-list S4audinut at aol.com
~mith at verizon.net writes:
~> The Andouille sausage is perhaps intended to go with Port Royale
~> cheese.  :-)
~> Pig intenstine has been used for sausages for a long time, but generally
~> its washed first.
~> kirby
~You guys must have gone to the 'ugly americans' booth. I am sure
~they wouldnt
~feed unwashed pig guts to fellow Fronchmens.

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