[[s-cars] Re: Servotronic - disable instructions]

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Thu Nov 28 08:37:25 EST 2002

Chris -
Chad's response was spot on. I noticed a slight knock or click, turning
the car around in the drive. As Chad said, you'll want to turn the bolt
just a little bit at a time. If you get it too tight, the wheel won't
self center after you make a turn -- take your hands off and it still
stays turned. I took a drive on a back road with a wrench and stopped to
tighten or loosen the bolt as needed. Got it about as tight as it would
go without causing any drag on the wheel's self-centering action.
Steering felt a bit tighter -- less play, which is the idea here. You
can also disconnect the nearby electrical connector and decided if you
like un-Servotronic-assisted steering . Plugged mine back in, when the
wife threatened to take the S4 in divorce proceedings. :-)

Bill Noland
happily married with assisted, minimal freeplay, steering

Christopher Gharibo wrote:

>Hi all,
>how do you check the freeplay on the steering rack and how do you adjust it as
>is being alluded to here on an S6?

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