[s-cars] warranty GP update

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Tue Oct 8 15:20:10 EDT 2002


The Accel Warranty GP has taken off pretty well, I've received responses
from 8 of you already.  We don't have to hit any specific number, so that's
good (I thought it was 10+, I misread).

If you'd like to proceed, simply access their site www.accelwarranty.com and
fill out the form there.  Look for something called "Referral Code", and
type in AUDI GROUP PK to receive your $75 discount.  NOTE:  this option will
be added to their website IN A FEW DAYS, so wait until then.  OR, call
1.866.724.1234 whenever, and mention the referral code to a representative.
Reference Stephanie Cross, President, should someone not be familiar with
our deal, you'll be all set.

Feel free to call that same # should you want additional questions answered,
I had a ton before I felt comfortable proceeding.  Obviously I am now,
especially after working with them on this, and with Chad Hall's situation.
And the way they've worked with Bruce M. on his.  He wouldn't have chose
this route if it didn't have all the proper elements he expects after coming
out of a previous warranty.

Oh, of course, YMMV, no affiliations, all that other crap, etc., I'm merely
a conduit here (and should be working!), and getting the same $75 break as
the rest.  Hey, I'll take $75 where I can get it 8-)!

Good luck.  Happy warranties!  Looking forward to mine, that much is
certain.  Shoot me any other Q's, I guess, if you've got 'em.

'95 //S6 with new lease on life
'58 TR3A warranty would be $15,763,914.00, bi-weekly

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