[s-cars] ding ding

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Thu Oct 10 17:36:09 EDT 2002

Yup, the subject says it all... time to start another heated round of

This week's subject:  6spds

I've surfed Charlie Smith's comprehensive site for some time, and brushed up
a bit on the what's what.  My, er, friend, hopes to soon be installing a
6spd in his, say, 1995 //S6, and would like to begin the process of locating
the right box.  Gearbox, that is, there's nothing like a nice box...

Now, I see CMG, CGR, and CRB all look to have the "E" suffix, for wide &
hard, as in I want to put something wide and hard in the box.  OK, as in 1st
gear.  And I see one needs to find the right box with the proper rear
housing to minimize having to swap off of one's OE box.  I also understand
there are 2 6th gears to choose from.

My friend's questions are:

Who can provide the BTDT as to what box(es) he should be looking for to
minimize having to fuss around with rear housings?

What is the better of the 2 gears (lower I'd think)?

Anyone got a good source?

Pros / cons of new vs. refab?

What is the air speed velocity of a Swallow?

THEN we get into clutches.

I know Cody Payne (and others) have gone the Centerforce / light weight fly
wheel (LWFW).  And I know others suggest that doing so might be overkill as
it's over-strengthening the link in the chain that is supposed to buffer the
stresses from the rest.

What are the thoughts here?  If it's over kill, how about a beefier Sachs(?)
and the LWFW?

Does the LWFW kill the car up hills / f-up deceleration (engine braking)?

What's the best source, Carolina Clutch?

What is your favorite color?

OK, that should stoke the embers to a medium blaze...  lemme have it.  I
mean, my friend, that is...

-Paulie Thousand Questions
'95 //S6 not particularly hard enough, nor wide enough
'58 TR3A not only non hardened not wide 1st, but non-syncro'ed 1st

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