[s-cars] Heater Fan Squeak

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Sat Oct 26 21:25:05 EDT 2002

>At low speed, the heater fan squeaks as if it needs lubrication.  At
>high speed, the squeak goes away but is replaced with a vibration.  Has
>anyone else experienced this?
YES, I have had this for 3 years now.

>Can it be fixed without 19 special tools and spreading the car around the
garage floor?
Judging from a past heater core replacement... I would say NO. But if you
try it please be sure to share your fun :)

>I'd sure appreciate your input, because as winter approaches here in the
rockies it is becoming
>more than a little annoying.  Thanks.

Yes it is annoying but while it still works I am going to leave well enough
alone myself.


Mark S

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