[s-cars] Temp Gauge Doesn't Move in COLD Weather

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 28 11:38:26 EST 2002

more on the multifunction thermoswitch.

i found the MFTS yesterday, and the connector practically crumbled
in my hand as i pulled it off.  the plastic was so brittle that as i
gently slid a screwdriver under the plastic tabs, they broke off.
when i grabbed the body of the connector to pull it off, the body
cracked and some more bits of plastic came off.

at least it's still largely intact, though i don't know how well it's
going to stay connected in its current state.  i think the metal
spade connectors themselves will hold up fine.

i didn't really see any corrosion on the connectors.  i cleaned
everything with contact cleaner and put the connector back.
this morning, i drove the car and noticed the temp gauge dropping like
a rock during my drive, so i'm going to replace the MFTS.

i wonder if a replacement connector is available...

i spotted a 2-prong switch/sensor in the coolant pipe near the MFTS.  it's
a few inches to the left, looking at the coolant pipe from the side,
so it's located a few inches further to the front of the car.  this
thing had dried coolant around it.  looks like it's leaking, so i'm
going to replace it.  anybody know what it is?  i couldn't find it in
the bentley (probably looking in the wrong place).

the bentley has been pretty unhelpful so far.  i had a hard time finding
the MFTS in the bentley book, and it didn't tell me where the MFTS was,
either.  the description of the location was for a V6 audi.

finally, can somebody with the family album tell me what this part is:
049 133 696 B.  it's a bag of 10 washers with rubber on their inner
circumferences.  the OD is about 7/8" and the ID is about 9/16".
i vaguely recall ordering a bag of oil drain plug washers, but these
are way too small to be for the oil drain plug.  i think i may have
been sent the wrong part, and if i had to guess, i'd say these were
fuel injector washers because of the rubber on the inside circumference.


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