[s-cars] Another Remote Question

Cody Payne Cody.Payne at bconnected.com
Tue Oct 29 15:28:39 EST 2002

I tried to get my keyless entry to work this afternoon and I all I get with below procedure is a single beep from the alarm horn but it does not unlock or lock my doors.  In addtion on my 92 key I only have 1 button but assume process is the same?



-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron [mailto:aaront at cox-internet.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 9:31 AM
To: Audi - Scars
Subject: [s-cars] Another Remote Question

Hi folks.
I followed with interest the latest thread on programming ones remote
per below:

1. Put 1 key in the ignition and turn it on. (Don't start the car, just turn
it on until the dash lights up.

2. Roll down driver's side window. (You don't really have to do this, but
I'd hate to lock my key in the car)

3. Take the second key and lock the car using the drivers door.

4. Hold BOTH buttons on the remote until the turn signals flash and the door
unlocks. It should take about 5 seconds or less. Bingo!

To program a second remote, open the door, turn the ignition off and back
on, lock the door and hold both buttons on the second remote until the
lights flash and the door unlocks.

This works great - Except when programming the second remote.
I have 2 remotes.  1 works and 1 does not.
If I put the working key/remote in the ignition and use the other (not
working) key to lock the door then push both buttons to program, it then
will work.  The problem is, the key/remote in the ignition which was
working now no longer works.
Thus I am able to activate either key but not both at the same time.
Car is 95.5 Avant.  Keys have a 1 button with light.  Remotes are
separate 2 button fob on the same key chain.
Could it be that I have 2 masters and no "slave".  Is there such a thing??
Note the manual suggests a similar method except for step #4 says hold
only 1 button. etc.
Thanks in advance

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