[s-cars] RE: Be ready !!!!!

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Wed Oct 30 08:48:54 EST 2002

At 06:58 AM 10/30/2002 , t44tq at mindspring.com wrote:
>It sounds like Linus is talking about wireless
>networking, no?

Well, that's where it started, or at least drifted...then Mike had to
redirect me to list relevance with something about turbo sizes, and as I
was up past my bedtime last nite, responded appropriately :)

Yes, WiFi is the 802.11b wireless networking.  Ran it for a year until I
hardwired a network line to my work area, still use it for my notebook when
I want to be portable, and also as backup via the neighbor...

Which brings up a funny story that highlites the risks of wireless
networking...I originally installed my access point (the part that wires
into my router) first.  I immediately set it up with a unique SSID (network
name) and set an encryption key.  Then I set up the PC card in my
notebook.  I didn't have a chance to set anything for the card but I got IP
connectivity almost immediately!  Yep, a neighbor (different one) had a
completely open access point with default settings.  Took a few minutes to
roam his network to figure out who it was, then gave a quick call to
him.  Be careful out there--practice safe WiFi ;)

*  Linus Toy                      Insanity is doing the same thing   *
*  Mercer Island, WA              you've always done and expecting   *
*  linust at mindspring.com          different results                  *
*                                      - Roger Milliken              *

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