[s-cars] LAF Trick or Treat Theater <NAC

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Thu Oct 31 09:54:16 EST 2002

In response to a total lack of demand and effort to have our business
hours mirror those of the French cafe', we present a special Halloween
Double Feature of Motorsport Idiocy (HDFOMI:)
We start out light with often vaulted and much touted "Flippin Lemans
We give it an 8.6 based more on level of difficulty than artistic
And follow that up with "Blackmail."  The never before seen very
incriminating ultrasound pics of a certain listers unborn child that for
a certain price will not be offered to the Extended Warranty Police
(EWP.)  We ain't sayen nuttin ...yet:)
Bill m

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