[s-cars] Of EDL and switches...

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 10:10:57 EST 2002

If I take the rear from my V8 and put it in my pre-EDL
car w/happy fun switch, will I still ba able to lock
up the rears?

Joe "Torsenally Challenged" Pizzo
--- Robert Pastore <rpastore at animalfeeds.com> wrote:
> Joe:
> Bergen toll plaza antics....must have been the new
> chipset!
> Anyway, I think your buddy is FOS.   You figure it
> out!
> EDL is Bullshit traction control(Just ask Keith
> Maddock who has to design
> this stuff for a living).  All it does is apply the
> rear brakes to the side
> that is spinning.    MY 95.5 is an EDL car, and now
> that is back on the
> road, I will soon replace the open rear diff with a
> Torsen rear diff from a
> V8 Quattro.  This is a straight bolt-in mod.    BTW,
> if anyone is
> interested, I have 2 more v8 torsens available for
> $300 each.
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Pizzimenti [mailto:pizzoman at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 10:04 AM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Of EDL and switches...
> Speaking of EDL...
> I was just speaking with Anthony Gennello (known to
> others at that crazy bastard with the K03's and a
> 12.4
> 1/4 mile in his AWE S4) and he was telling me how he
> disabled the EDL on his car to get better launches
> and
> to have more fun, basically spinning them whenever
> he
> wants.  Scott, I know you're gonna chime in here,
> but
> is there a way to do this on the 95.5 and later
> ones?
> (I think Igor/Bob and others would be interested.)
> Also, how can I keep the Diff locked at higher
> speeds
> and what will I break if I do so?  I also noticed
> that
> sometimes it doesn't come on...what should I look at
> here?
> -Joe, spinning all 4 coming out of the Bergen toll
> plaza on "The Parkway", Pizzo
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