[s-cars] Wife's not chubby ...The (S6) seat belt's stubby.

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 31 12:34:10 EST 2002

--- David Parry <davidparry11 at netscape.net> wrote:
> You folks were very gracious in handling last week's camshaft sensor
> query.  (I took your advice and rented a car while the Orlando area
> dealer got the part in and resolved the problem nicely --though not, of
> course, inexpensively.  Nice guys, by the way -- found an open recall
> that I hadn't been aware of.)
> My wife was so charmed by all this that she's asked me to tap your
> brains on her passenger seat belt problem.  The receptacle (short end)
> strap the strap is too danged short.  Even when the seat is as low as it
> can go, it takes a world of fiddling to snap the belt in.  Even another
> 2 or 3 inches (at the female end) would make a world of difference.  Is
> there an 'extender' or some such device that would snap into the present
> receptacle to raise the opening and make the belt easier to snap shut?
> Any other thoughts?  Is mine the only '95 S6 to come up short this way?
> Thanks again for your help last week!  It worked out really well.

that sounds a little odd.  perhaps your wife could try moving her seat
back as well?

you may be able to buy a seat belt extender.  they are available for
the *ahem* happersized people inhabiting this planet with us.
i'd have some reservations about their safety, though, as they'd
change the position of the shoulder belt.


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