[s-cars] Re: Oil Drain Plug - Follow-up

Wayne Dohnal dohnal at hevanet.com
Thu Apr 3 15:23:29 EST 2003

Dig the chisel into the edge of flange on the oil plug (the large diameter
part) pushing in the correct direction for unscrewing it.  (You're trying to
unscrew the plug with the impact.)   Try not to touch the pan with the
chisel.  I had no luck with the hammer & chisel method.  I don't know if it
would work in theory or not, but you just can't swing the hammer hard enough
or aim well enough lying on the floor and reaching under the car.  It took
about 2 seconds with the air chisel.

1994 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Slagle" <dslagle at boardmanpark.com>
To: "'Wayne Dohnal'" <dohnal at hevanet.com>
Cc: "Audi Fans Mail List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:11 AM
Subject: Oil Drain Plug - Follow-up

> Wayne:  Thanks for the info.  I really appreciate your help as well as
> all the other Listeners who have responded.  I just need some
> clarification regarding the chisel method.  Where do you place the
> Chisel, on the head of the Plug or between the head and the Pan?  Thanks
> again.
> Dan
> 95.5 S6

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