[s-cars] S6+ trans mounts

Trevor Frank tfrank at symyx.com
Fri Apr 4 11:41:51 EST 2003

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So I just installed these and I cannot visually or otherwise make out
the difference between them and stock.  I think that the part number on
the rubber is even the same.  They even feel softer than my stock ones.
I put pictures up on this site, albiet not very good ones..

The one on the table is stock, really bad pictures, the one in the car,
black background is S6+.   I couldn't find any visual cues that it is
different than stock.  I will try to get a better picture of the stock

I thougth many people mentioned that these where supposed to be
stiffer/better.  I honestly cannot tell the difference between the two,
my stock one's seemed stiffer to me, but that may just be aging.  In my
opinion I would say don't bother with this change.


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