[s-cars] Stiffer Waste Gate Spring with stock ECU

Brent Henry thehenrys at sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 8 21:41:37 EDT 2003

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I happened across a 1.8bar Waste gate spring.  I would like to investigate =
whether or not it would be worth putting this into my stock S4 turbo system=
.  Although I have not checked it... I believe that my '92 S4 has a stock s=
pring.  It also appears to be tightened down a little.  The allen bolt on t=
op of the Waste Gate Cap is turned in about 7 or 8 turns (not sure where it=
 would have been set from the factory).

I'm looking for some guidelines on installing this spring and how to test i=
t and make adjustments.  I understand that with the stock K24 and the stock=
 ECU, I can only get a maximum of 16psg... which should translate into a re=
ading on my digital boost gauge of approximately 2.3bar.

I am concerned about running too lean and burning pistons.  Is this a real =
concern?  I live near Toronto therefore no high altitude issues.  I also un=
derstand that you can't always hear the engine pinging, how should I reassu=
re myself that this is not happening?

Thanks in advance,

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