[s-cars] Coolant Heresy?

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Wed Apr 9 13:35:25 EDT 2003


I haven't tried the Evans NPG+ Racing Coolant yet, but
as for only using Audi coolant -- VAG's German policy is that
all VAG platforms can use any pure glycol-water based
coolants, whether it's Audi OEM coolant or not. This
means that there is a readily available third party US
alternative, the Havoline bright orange coolant (about
$5 - $8 a gallon, last time I checked). Other than a
repeated failure in the interior heating coil in an old
VW Golf due to a failed pressure release valve on the
overflow container (took a while to track down), I have
never had a cooling system failure in any our Audi or
VW's with this coolant (which represents about 10
car-years of combined VAG ownership over the ages),
and the mix chemicals used in it match the VAG
requirement (unlike the various 'green' coolants I've

=-= Marc Glasgow
|  who must have too much time on his hands today
|  based on the quantity of his responses...

Bill Wrote:

The only coolant that works for our cars is the Audi OEM coolant.
That said, has anyone ever considered Evans NPG+ Racing Coolant?
Supposedly it was used in the Sprongel S2 rally car.  In comparing
point vs oem, boiling point is about 100 degrees F higher; about 370 vs
for the oem coolant.
My take is that it may create better detonation.
Bill m

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