[s-cars] I have no clue what the heck I was thinking this morning... GASOLINE INVLOVED!!! HELP!

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Wed Apr 9 15:42:17 EDT 2003

Earlier, Levent Cur wrote:
> I think i was still asleep when i went to the gas station... i have a
> MTM Stage 1+ upgrade done to my S6, and accidently put in a full tank of
> 87 octane! WHOOOPS <Insert adjective>. So now i'm faced with having to
> drive it for a full tank of 87 octane. don't want to cyphon it out.. any
> suggestions like with maybe using 1 or 2 bottles of octane boost or
> something? or anything else? will this also hurt anything? i'm gunna be
> very light on the throttle.

Here's the info on Toluene.

Assume you have a 18 gal tank.  Drive a bit so you have
room to add 4 gallons of Toluene to the tank.  This will
result in 93+ octane ...

   14*87  +  4*114     1218  +  456      1674
   ---------------  =  ------------  =  ------  =  93
        18                 18             18

You can go to a Sherwin Williams paint store, and buy 4 one gallon cans
of Toluene, for about $5.00 a gallon.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi     photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features
  97 Dodge Ram   -  35 PSI, 4x4 w/Cummins turbo diesel

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