[s-cars] Lazy Speedometer

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 15:15:53 EDT 2003

Mike and Guzzie,
When "dash" is "cold" and dare I say, "dry", switch to
CD10 (Barry White), pull into rest area, unzip pants
and say as softly as you can...

"Don't just look at it, it's not going to suck

That usually does the trick for me.  If not, take her
shopping, I've heard that works.

Joe "did I just pull a Friedenberg?" Pizzo

--- MLP <mlped at qwest.net> wrote:
> Don't know Guzz, (I know I will regret saying this)
> don't the symptoms (except for the 80,000 miles
> maybe)
> sound a lot like some of Pizzo's dates?
> Joe, what would you suggest a fellow do when a tap
> on the dash doesn't work
> anymore?
> :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]
> On Behalf Of RGuzz
> 94 S4, 80k miles, speedometer is slow to warm up but
> after a few minutes
> gets up to speed. Everything else seems to work and
> there is no perceptible
> dash noise. Responded once to a dash tap...now
> occurs daily, always when
> cold, occasionally in stop and go conditions. Ideas?
> Thanks, Richard
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