[s-cars] Re: Strange re-occuring clutch/tranny noise - Used Propellor shaft with hanger bearing for sale

Peter Schoettle peter_schoettle at shaw.ca
Thu Apr 10 20:00:38 EDT 2003


You should be  technical writer. Just Kidding!!!  Glad to hear your car is
happy again. Sounds like money well spent.

Is there anyway you can look at your bill and let me know the part numbers
of the part(s) which where replaced?


Peter S.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Reimer" <rreimer at ctmbd.com>
To: <peter_schoettle at shaw.ca>; "Theodore Chen" <tedebearp at yahoo.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: Strange re-occuring clutch/tranny noise - Used Propellor shaft
with hanger bearing for sale

> O.K. I just got the car back after the front propeller shaft was replaced.
> I was shown the old shaft and the bearings inside the thingy at the engine
> end of the shaft that connect to the cv joint, were completely seized.
> Could not be turned by hand at all.  I'm not sure whether the entire drive
> shaft needed to be replaced or not but IMO it would have been very
> to replace this part as it is stamped to the shaft itself.  The u-joint
> fine, hanger bearing fine. rear thingy fine.
> Result - a long time exhaust vibration gone, acceleration shudder gone,
> grinding noise gone, giggles returned.
> Cost? - 1300 CDN for shaft, 3.5 units for install  - $1600 CDN all in.
> One other thing of note.  I had just recently put on the summer wheels and
> during the rear passenger install, noticed the hub centric ring was a
> tight.  Tightened everything up and took off no problems, vibrations
> symptoms.  When I dropped the car off for the work to be done, all rear
> nuts were loose.  The wheel was about 5 kms from popping off the car.  It
> turns out the rear passenger hub is completely different from the other
> three hubs and fits the stock rims but not much else.  I was pretty lucky.
> bit of a wake up call for me, as an aspiring weekend grease monkey.
> learned....if it doesn't feel perfect, you better make it feel perfect,
> particularly when a failure could mean a serious incident.
> So, if anyone wants the shaft please no Paul Freidenburg type comments)
> the bearing u-joint or rear thingy, let me know.
> RR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Randy Reimer
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 11:08 AM
> To: peter_schoettle at shaw.ca; Theodore Chen
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] Strange re-occuring clutch/tranny noise
> I too had a strange whirring noise as described by Peter.  Mostly during
> downshifting as the clutch is being let out.  Dealer says it's the
> 1300 to replace the front propeller shaft.  Should take care of the noise,
> will let you know next week, work should be completed by Wednesday.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of
> peter_schoettle at shaw.ca
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 10:24 AM
> To: Theodore Chen
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Strange re-occuring clutch/tranny noise
> Teddy,
> How long have you had this and does it happen all the time or is it like
> mine and only re-occurs occasionally? I don't think I could live with this
> if it starts happening all the time.
> Peter S.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com>
> Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2003 9:31 pm
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Strange re-occuring clutch/tranny noise
> >
> > --- peter_schoettle at shaw.ca wrote:
> > > I have a 93 audi S4. I have had a strange reoccuring
> > clutch/tranny noise.
> > > When I let the clutch out after downshifting , I notice a
> > howling/whirling> noise for a split second. It can sometimes occur
> > on upshifting as well but it
> > > always occurs when the clutch pedal is being let out.
> > >
> > > The problem may not show up for a month at a time. When it comes
> > back it
> > > lasts about a half day or so and then is gone again. This has
> > been happening
> > > on and off for the last 6 months.
> > >
> > > My clutch feels fine.
> >
> > i've got that, too.  does not seem to be dependent on gear.  never
> > heard it on upshifting with the car in motion, but sometimes
> > happens from
> > rest.
> >
> > i've been assuming it's a throwout bearing starting to go bad.
> > figuredi'll deal with it when the car needs a new clutch.
> >
> > -teddy
> >
> >
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