[s-cars] Euro light questions

jeff posto jpostup at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 11 04:31:06 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Go for it Doug!
Lurking GP participants lie awaiting the initiative of the self appointed G=
P leader.  Once said leader makes the announcement you'll get a ground swel=
l of initial interest, which subsides a bit as pricing is stabilized and th=
e time for $cash down approaches. I think you would get 5-10 gp particpants=
, me being one for a 1993.
CheersJeff Poso
Doug Landaeta <landaeta1 at comcast.net> wrote:Rich,

It doesn't take much to organize. I've got the old posts from late 2001 GP
handled by 'da wheelman. Looked like this:

>Here's the final numbers:
>A6/S6 - $559
>S4 - $599
>Jetta/Bora - $280
>A4 - $375
>We put together an order for about 13 lights...and are saving close to $100
>on the S6 and S4 lamps...pretty darn good.

Seems like a concerted effort to cross-post and stimulate a following (is
that like Abba?, nah - that' cross-dress) is key to rounding up a good
number. A few key phone calls with our favorite suppliers and see what we

Doug Landaeta
92 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Assarabowski [mailto:konecc at snet.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 10:14 PM
To: landaeta1 at comcast.net
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Euro light questions


Can't help you, but I know there are others out there interested in a GP
(including myself), maybe we can arrange one??

-- Rich Assarabowski
'93 S4
'92 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Doug Landaeta
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 8:41 PM
To: Fred Munro; Joseph Pizzimenti; Djdawson2 at aol.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Euro light questions

Does anyone know who's got the best price on the Euro light assemblies
for the 92-92 Urs4? During the last GP, I got the 95.5 ones from PUMA,
Is Paul still the best bet?

Doug Landaeta
92 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Fred Munro
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 7:19 PM
To: Joseph Pizzimenti; Djdawson2 at aol.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Euro light questions

Hi Joe;

Need more light? At this point, no. Ten years from now, probably :o)


-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Joseph Pizzimenti
Sent: April 7, 2003 10:38 PM
To: Fred Munro; Djdawson2 at aol.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Euro light questions

HID Highs aren't all they're cracked up to be. You
really shouldn't flash the D2R bulbs, as they have a
critical warmup cycle and flashing your highs will cut
their life short. Besides, do you really need more
light? ;-)

--- Fred Munro wrote:
> Dave;
> I have Eurolights with a HID H1 conversion kit in
> the lows and relayed 100w
> halogens in the highs. The lights are truly superb.
> I've been thinking about
> HIDs in the highs, but suspect that may be a bit of
> overkill...:o)
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Djdawson2 at aol.com
> Sent: April 7, 2003 1:58 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Euro light questions
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> After seeing some of the blistering/heat issues,
> I've got a few questions
> concerning euro lights. I just bought a set of urS4
> euro lights (ebay.de)
> and received them Saturday from Switzerland. I
> bought them knowing that
> every mount tab was broken off of both lights.
> After consulting the list, I
> figured I was good to go utilizing my good US
> housings, along with all of
> the
> guts (reflector, wiring and lenses) from the euro
> lights.
> For those using euro lights... what wattage's are
> you using in these lights?
> Are there heat related damage issues with these? Is
> low beam output
> improved? Any other info/observations appreciated.
> I've been happy with
> the
> stock US high beams, but particularly annoyed with
> the poor lows.
> I do realize that to use higher wattage bulbs, I'm
> going to need to wire
> them
> up using relays. But I'd like to know up front if
> all this is worth the
> effort. My only experience is on the 200s and
> urq's, and for these cars it
> is more than worth the time/effort. What about the
> urS4?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dave
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