[s-cars] When will it stop!
The Gagnons
more.snow at verizon.net
Fri Apr 11 23:09:21 EDT 2003
Well here goes my vent,
I just had my transmission replaced today to deal with the ever loudening
noise comming from the underside. While I was there I had the clutch
$900 for used trans, $500 got spec stage 2 clutch and $500 labor later I am
left with the noise still there. My mechanic says the new clutch is
slipping, the noise is reduced, but I still need a center bearing. He
suggested I contact the clutch manufacturere to see about a refund for the
clutch and labor. I drove tha car home and found the noise still there, but
did not experience the clutch slipping.
I am not sure why the clutch slipped during their road test and not for me,
maybe it just needed to break in a bit. Anyone ever heard of these clutches
needing a break in period?
As far as the noise goes, I suspect they mis-diagnosed the center bearing
for the transmission. I brought it in twice to have them diagnose the
noise. The first time the thought the rear output on the trans felt very
notchy and suggested that the driveshaft be disconnected to verify that the
problem was not with the driveshaft. I had the exhaust replaced about 3
weeks ago, so I had them disconnect the shaft to verify. They concluded
that the transmission was the culprit. I then bought all the parts and had
them install them. I am not very happy about this!
In addition to giving me the bad news that I still had the noise and the
clutch slipped, they gave me a host of other items they recommended be
My front rotors (13" big reds) need to be replaced
(I knew they were in rough shape)
The inside edge of my front tires are worn out
(I knew they were bad, they wore out despite an alignment last summer)
Exhaust gasket leak at the number 5 cylinder
Rear brake pads are almost to the metal.
I plan to take care of the rotors and rear brakes myself. Anyone know a
good place to get 993 rotors?
I think I will take the car to another shop for an alignment before
replacing the tires. I recall that the camber was as far positive as it
could go but is still wearing tires. Any suggestions? I remember seeing a
post a long time ago about reversing the top strut mount and drilling new
holes. Anyone have the info handy?
Lastly I need to get the center bearing taken care of. I think I will
demand that the shop take care of this for me since they misdiagnosed the
problem resulting in $2000 worth of repairs that did not solve the initial
problem. The good news is that the ring and pinion are quieter than my old
trans and the old clutch was almost down to the rivets. The clutch pedal is
much lighter now and the worn clutch was probably responsible for the blown
clutch hose I had about a month ago. Does anyone have any info as to where
to get a center bearing as I remenber reading somwhere that Audi does not
sell the bearing alone?
I love the car but it is eating me alive!
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