[s-cars] NE US: track event volunteers, "open house" at track events

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Sat Apr 12 18:37:25 EDT 2003

Two questions I'd like feedback on.  disclaimer: IANABM(I am not a
Board Member :-), I don't speak for the club, yadda yadda.

The NEQ has been tossing around the idea of using(at least partially)
volunteers for flagging.  Would anyone be interested in volunteering
for flagging?  Various ideas were tossed around by board members,
including "work 2 events, get one free" - NO promises as to what
final plans would be(right now, as I said, it's just an idea getting
tossed around), but you can assume there would be -something- in it
for you, besides getting front-row seats to some track action!

   From my work with the club last year, I can tell you that the club
is full of great people who love putting on these events; every event
I've been involved in, I've always walked away with a rush.  If you
work an event you can expect to get thank you's from participants,
instructors, and event staff.  The morning hours are early- some of
us get to the track before 7 to set up- but on-track activity is well
over before 5.

NHIS, Lime Rock, and (I THINK) Watkins Glen have camping
areas(especially if you're a worker, they'll take care of you) if you
want to cut the budget(Watkins is $50-60/night, Lime Rock similar if
you don't mind driving 30 minutes; NHIS, don't know off the top of my
head, but NHIS has the best at-track facilities.)  You would probably
need to stay two nights- the night before the event, and the night of
Day 1, unless you live close to the track.  Unfortunately, a number
of our events are week-day events, not weekend events- but not
always; I think LRP this year is a weekend(Fri-Sat; LRP can't use the
track on Sundays) event.

You would need to attend a training session or two, or(if you want to
work a corner, ie, flag) possibly become an SCCA certified
cornerworker.  I understand they're hard-up for volunteers too, so
you'd be helping two organizations with one shot, and they do racing
events, which are generally one or two notches up on the "excitement"
scale since they do racing(racing and/or aggressive driving is
strictly prohibited at NEQ events.)

Second question- a lot of people I talk to are curious about the
club, what our driver ed events are all about...and there are a lot
of misconceptions(especially about the events, mostly around what
kind of driving goes on, how safe they are, etc).  Best way to learn
about the events is to show up and check 'em out.  The club has
always had a "sure, come by and check things out" policy- you can
even ride in an instructor's car for a session if you make a small
donation for charity.  You have to sign the track and club waivers to
get in, but otherwise, if you show up, you can spectate.

  I'm planning on bringing before the board a proposal for a more
formal "open house" at one of our upcoming events- possibly Lime
Rock, since it's so close to so many people; a reasonable day-trip.
Most of the people who make the club tick are busier than all get-go
at events...but you'll be able to check out some of the neat cars
that show up(pits etc are not closed), picnic on the various fields
overlooking areas of the track and watch the cars zip by, etc.
There's also usually a need for at least a couple of extra set of
hands in various areas('volunteer help' falls under the 'more is
always better' department :-)

Please reply in private on either/both questions.  Thanks!

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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