[s-cars] HELP! 4 cylinders just isn't enough....

CLAG500 at aol.com CLAG500 at aol.com
Mon Apr 14 09:04:10 EDT 2003

Hey Brian,

  If you get the miss at idle it's easy to narrow it down by unplugging the injectors until you find one that doesn't make it run rougher. That will be the missing cyl. Then you can swap the POSes and see if the miss moves to another cyl or goes away. Usually a constant miss will be the POS.

Chad Tobin

In a message dated 4/14/2003 12:25:38 AM Eastern Standard Time, vinnieb2 at yahoo.com writes:

> Dear S-Heads-
> Here's the symptom(s). Edwin starts fine but idles
> very rough and you can imagine what type of
> acceleration (or lack of) there is :-( More info...
> Two weeks ago I had a similar missing problem but only
> on boost, I changed the plugs and it seemed fine. So,
> now I have new plugs and last night while accelerating
> pretty hard this issue cropped up.
> Any ideas? Coil pack, POS unit, etc? How do I check
> this to narrow it down w/out spending a fortune
> replacing many parts?
> I welcome any and all.......
> later
> Brian Bilotti '93 S4 "Edwin"

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