[s-cars] Big Red question

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 14 09:55:54 EDT 2003

Ok...different tone from my last post :)

I've got BR calipers on RS2 brackets over 323x30 (A8L rotor).  Rotors were
cryo-treated, no drilling, no slots...this experience may or may not compare
for you.

Mintex Red Box:  quiet, good cold "bite."  dusty, but not dirty.  With this
setup, I did have a resonance at about 35 mph from the rotor...not sure why,
but only with this setup.
Porterfield R4S:  quiet, reasonably dust-free.  "bite" not as good as with
Mintex Red box.
Porterfield R4 (track only):  noisy on the street (getting to the track) but
who can tell on the track? :)  dusty, dirty, but that was from 120 miles hard
use on the track.

Are your rotors the same as before?  Have you checked your hub surfaces for any
corrosion or dust that might put your rotor a bit out of alignment?  Not sure
what you mean by shims--where?  Between caliper & bracket? Or bracket and
strut?  How might this help?


Linus Toy               Insanity is doing the same thing
Mercer Island, WA       you've always done and expecting
linust at mindspring.com   different results
                        - Roger Milliken, Milliken & Co

> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Djdawson2 at aol.com
> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 8:13 AM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] Big Red question
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> All,
> I installed my Big Reds onto my S4 this weekend.  I had used
> them on my 20v
> 200, and loved the upgrade.  One problem.... outrageous
> squeal.  I had the
> same issue with Textars, and it persisted until the pads were
> roughly 1/2
> gone.  Then it stopped.  However, Textars are something I
> would prefer not to
> deal with, as they are SO dirty.  It took me hours to clean
> up my wheels.
> So, upon install onto my S4, I used a different pad, along
> the lines of a
> metalmaster.  I was hoping to do away with both squeal and
> dirt.  The squeal
> is still unbelievable.  I sound like a semi pulling up to a light.
> Anyone discovered a solution?  I'm thinking this is a
> resonance between the
> backing plate and the caliper.  Anyone tried shims?
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Dave
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