[s-cars] Audi transceiver...

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Tue Apr 15 19:23:15 EDT 2003

Give me a call later and bring it by, I will see what I can do...
If you want that is .

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Ng" <ken_ng11 at yahoo.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:08 AM
Subject: [s-cars] Audi transceiver...

> i have an audi transceiver but my CD changer has gone
> 'kaput'... please correct me if i'm wrong, but can I
> use ANY SONY branded model CDX-A* changer with the
> transceiver without having to rewire or modify either
> the transceiver or the changer???
> i've looked on ebay, but have not had much luck...
> anyone have any suggestions on where I could send my
> 'broken' (CD gets jammed in the rollers) to be
> repaired (in Toronto, Canada area?)... SONY won't
> touch it because it is branded as a Blaupunkt and the
> only B-punkt repair centre wants CAD$60 to take a look
> at it and suggested that it may be upwards of $120 to
> fix it... i've hesitated to replace it with a FM
> modulated CD Changer as I've heard that cell phones
> interference can cause substantial static... ie. sound
> quality is less than desireable for a $200-250
> purchase...
> suggestions welcomed...
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