[s-cars] MAF screen removal-please explain

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Sat Apr 19 09:52:18 EDT 2003

Now for part two, does removing the screen change the way in which the hot
wire actually measures the MASS of air (not flow or velocity) passing
through the meter?  I don't know.  I'm inclined to believe that it would,
but I'd defer to the more sage advice of the engineering types on the list.

By removing the screens, you are NOT changing the MASS of air flow that
enters the MAF for a given amount of air flow.
You are just making it easier to get in / out. If the motor is drawing 100
CFM, it will draw that thru the MAF, and will give the appropriate signal
from the MAF, regardless of screens.

As Hap pointed out, it's the 'Negative Boost'. By reducing any obstruction
to with in the inlet stream, you increase the pressure available to the
turbo, which equals more boost. Similarly by decreasing the pressure drop
across the filter you increase boost.
While decreasing pressure drops, you allow more flow. If you pump can accept

At least that's the way I see it .

Mark S

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