[s-cars] MAF screen removal-please explain

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Sat Apr 19 20:08:50 EDT 2003

I did indeed read the 6 part write-up. I agree with what your saying, which
is also what I was saying :)
With the intention of negative boost, you can attain a given boost level
with less effort on the actual pump.
In our case a turbo.
In all this discussion one has to understand the relative differences
between mass, weight and flow.
I am not saying I am a brilliant engineer, but I try to understand what I am
I am prepared to yank those screens, I just want to make sure I am not
ordering a 650 CAD MAF on Monday.

Plus it's a fun debate :)

----- Original Message -----
From: <CaptMagu at aol.com>
To: <strangconst at rogers.com>; <mlped at qwest.net>; <S-CAR-List at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] MAF screen removal-please explain

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Mark
> I'd like to make a minor correction here. The author of the Negative Boost
> articles was not trying to get more boost. His main objective was to get
> quicker. He was attempting to lower his boost threshold. In fact, he built
> DIY boost controller that did credible battle against waste gate creep but
> retained the stock boost levels. By removing any of the negative boost
> nasties and cleaning up the intake tract he was delivering the air to the
> compressor section with less effort. This may in fact translate to higher
> potential boost but more impotantly it will lower boost threshold.
> In my experiences as an aeronautical engineer, mostly limited to looking
> and admiring beautiful airplanes;-), I have never seen any benefit to a
> as an airflow tool. The egg crate affair on the RS2 MAF does provide a
> benefit to flow stabilization. The same can be said of the long tube that
> hidden in the top of the airbox and that connects to the MAF. Both of
> devices are attempts by the Audi engineers to reduce turbulence and
> straighten out the air flow as it proceeds through the MAF.
> In the case of the Pederhousen Big MAF, it is directly mounted to the top
> a Ford snorkel type aircleaner. The MAF we use does not have the egg
> but does have screens. I have removed mine but I believe Mike still has
> in place. I did remove them one at a time and noticed a 100 rpm reduction
> threshold overall. With this set up I have no drivability issues
> A lister who recently drove my car noted that it was easier to drive
> town than his stock 97 S6. It had a lot more grunt down low. His car felt
> him like it was going to stall during gentle starts. According to him mine
> felt much more substantial.
> I really can't understand why we're having all this discussion about a
> easy DIY mod. The proof should be in the results. Remove your MAF and
> the screens. You might want to establish some sort of baseline test before
> and then test again after. I like to use a 6th gear pull up an incline. I
> establish at what rpm I develop full boost. I start the pull at 2500rpm
> go to full throttle. I simply note at what rpm I develop full boost. Right
> now, I'm at 3200rpm. If things are better great leave the screens off. If
> put them back in. HTH
> Hap, wonderin in Everboost, Maguire
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