[s-cars] Full boost shutter

Ptrig ptrig at gwi.net
Mon Apr 21 13:39:54 EDT 2003

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Once again I am calling upon the vast knowledge of this group with a proble=
m that I need help with.  My '94 S-4 MTM stage 1 with 126K miles has develo=
ped a problem under full boost under load.  If I put the pedal to the metal=
 in 4th gear at about 40 mph I feel a moderate to severe shutter in the dri=
ve train.  I changed plugs hoping for a quick fix, but no dice.  It has got=
ten worse  over the past few days.  I am not sure how to pull codes or if t=
hat will be of any help.  Other than than symptom the car runs perfect.  Ac=
celeration in first, second and third is like before.  I would appreciate a=
ny advice as to the nature of this problem.  As always I am grateful for th=
is group and the help I have received in the past.


Paul Triggiani
' 94 S-4

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