[s-cars] Help! I'm Abt to go crazy!

Linus Toy linust at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 21 17:43:48 EDT 2003

Doesn't Fikse have a (relatively) reasonably priced rim exchange/replacement
policy?  Not for the whole wheel, but just for the rim?  Afterall, you pay a
premium for these wheels, isn't that the idea behind multi-piece wheels?

Linus Toy               Insanity is doing the same thing
Mercer Island, WA       you've always done and expecting
linust at mindspring.com   different results
                        - Roger Milliken, Milliken & Co

> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Philip Mische
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:19 PM
> To: S-Car List
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Help! I'm Abt to go crazy!
> OK, it's my week to follow.  I too have recently had a
> disaster sending my
> wheels out, although it's probably a different outfit.  I
> have gone through
> a real headache with Rim & Wheelworks in Newton, MA.  Don't
> do biz with them
> unless you take hallucinogens and read "Through the Looking
> Glass" first.
> Just unbelievable.
> They straightened and buggered 2 of my FM-10s and sent them
> back to me.
> When I complained about their terrible condition the gal that
> owns the place
> was pretty unpleasant and eventually offered me a refund, but
> then asked me
> to send the wheels back so she could inspect them, which I did.  Weeks
> passed.  Numerous phone calls by me went unreturned.  When I
> finally did get
> to talk to her she denied culpability for any damage but
> agreed to send me a
> refund, but then refused to return the wheels to me!  Just as I was
> registering my incredulity she hung up on me saying "I don't
> want to hear
> you yell at me".   Then she left the phone off the hook.
> When I finally did
> get through again I had to argue with her to get her to send
> my wheels back
> to me, and she ended up refunding me nuttin'.
> At the other end of the spectrum I have heard nothing but
> great things about
> Wheel Enhancements in CA.  I have just spoken to them on the
> phone about
> getting the Fikses unbutchered; the guys there are conscientious and
> reasonable.  Perhaps they can bring your Abt wheels back from
> the dead.
> Phil
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charlie Smith" <charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org>
> To: "Jimmy Pribble" <Jimmy at texasbankers.com>
> Cc: "Audi S Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>; "Charlie Smith"
> <charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Help! I'm Abt to go crazy!
> > Earlier, Jimmy Pribble wrote:
> > >
> > > Arrrrgh!  A wheel refinisher trashed one of my Abt
> wheels.  Obviously,
> > > replacement is preferable to cash, but the wheels are
> long discontinued.
> > > Anybody have a line on any Abt A8 (17 x 8, ET35) wheels?
> > >
> > > If not, are there any suggestions as to what to do with
> three misfit
> wheels?
> > > A mobile?
> >
> > Here's a suggestion ...  get two 2000 S6 Avus wheels.  Run
> them both on
> > one side of the car, use the Abt's on the other side.  The
> ET is the same.
> >
> > This even gives you an extra 17"x8" wheel for the spare!
> >
> > See, problem solved!
> >
> >     - Charlie
> >
> >
> >
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