[s-cars] Chrome Mirror Caps

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 22 17:54:36 EDT 2003

Thanks to everyone who inquired about my chrome mirror
caps.  To answer your questions:

- I bought them from a gentleman named Paul Waterloo a
couple months ago.  He is on the AudiWorld A8 list.
Bill Baloney knows him from his time on "the dark

- They were imported from Europe

- The were EXTREMELY easy to install

- I paid more than 2 bottles of Ripple, but less than
2 bottles of Dom

- He doesn't have any more (that I know of) and I
don't know what his plans are.  Maybe he could do a
group buy?

Regards, Ed - with shiny molded plastic mirror caps,
unlike Bill M who has Ur billet aluminum mirror

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