[s-cars] Pollen filter

Airbil at aol.com Airbil at aol.com
Wed Apr 23 00:58:57 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Back from some serious work, Igor reported:
I have finally found the elusive pollen filter -
6. remove the narrow plastic cover from its top side. Chances are, there
would be an empty slot for the pollen filter, but no filter in it. At
least my '97 didn't have it.
7. drop the 4A1-820-367 into the slot. It is a tight perfect fit.

You are now breathing easier in nice, clean, untainted, de-pollened air.
That said,  if you have been following the MAF screens thread, you will be
aware that you just created a huge 'Negative Boost' emergency in the cabin.
Huh?  ..you say?  That's right.
To counteract this you may either keep your HVAC fan @ constant WOT or
install a PVC,  trumpet to tuba sized, RAIS in front of your passenger side
windshield and always drive at a constant 100 kph.  Not pretty.
Put on your Hawaiian shirt, pull that filter back out of there and start
sneezing again!  That filter was left out for durn good reason.
Audi has often gone to alot of trouble building do nothing components.  i.e.
the very coolfoam (tm) subsupersonic stealth tweeters behind the grilles on
the S6 door panels.   Or; how about the PSO/POS chanel 6?
and again; Welcome back!
Bill m  -Boost Policeman

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