[s-cars] Longevity and Replacement parts

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Thu Apr 24 09:41:34 EDT 2003

For the American market for the time frame I noted, there is no other
German manufacturer who sold such a low number of units per platform
(or, for most of those years, such a low number of units, period).
Blame the torte lawyers and their unintended acceleration claims,
combined with apathy in marketing saturation & marketing savvy by Audi

Personally, while I think the new series of TV ads for Audi's are good
for Audi, I think they are bad for the rest of us, because they are
equating extreme speed with the Audi brand-name in the minds of the
typical American cop (for many of which Audi's were below their
perception radar for the most part). If the brand gets a public label
among mainstream Americana as hyper-fast, then the cops will be as
likely to pay closer attention to Audi's (as they do now to Porsches
and BMW's) -- which would, for me, partially negate one of the great
benefits to having an Audi as my preference of German supercruiser here
in the states. I want a fast car that doesn't cause a cop to look up
from his paperwork when I'm 15, 25 over the limit -- not one that he'll
automatically track with his eyes from the time it comes into view.

=-= Marc Glasgow
Tampa Bay's Best Mac Consultant since 1990

On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, at 09:54 PM, Djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

> I guess I would just expect the same level of product support that
> other German manufacturers supply, who are in a very similar market
> position as Audi.
> Dave

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