[s-cars] RS2 MAF deliberations

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 07:30:25 EDT 2003

it's more designing the software in tune with a
particular MAF.  Like if I got REALLY STUPID one day
and decided I wanted to write Motronic and I wrote
some chips for an RS2 MAF, it probably wouldn't work
too well if I threw the stock MAF in there and vice
The more I talk to the ME7 (Motronic on newer Audi's)
equipped modders, the more I'm convinced that OBD-I
kicks ass.  Everything in these systems is linked
together, inexorably.

--- Frank Amoroso <fjamoroso at webtv.net> wrote:
> Agree with what has been said re: MAF & FI matching.
> However, it is interesting to note that Hoppen /
> Lehmann schlepped their
> Stage IV kits here in the states with AAN MAF and
> RS2 FIs.
> Frank at s-cars.org
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