[s-cars] Bilstein valving info

Russ Panneton russ at s-cars.org
Fri Apr 25 17:37:06 EDT 2003

On Fri, 25 Apr 2003 13:48:54 -0400, "Ray Tomlinson" <ray at s-cars.org> wrote:

>Here are the stock rebound/compression settings for my struts:
>P36-0369 (front):  119 rebound /107 compression
>B46-2066 (rear):  125 rebound / 80 compression
>Shayne indicated that increasing rebound by 25% in the front, but not as
>much in the rear, will help control some of the nose-dive we experience in
>the UrS-cars.

I would think stiffer rebound damping would tend to make the suspension "pack
down" and keep the nose down once it dives.  It seems to me that more
compression damping up front would resist brake dive.  My trick for helping
reduce brake dive is fitting rear brake pads with greater initial bite than
the front pads.  That ought to fuel some debate!


Russ Panneton                          russ at s-cars.org
Nederland, CO              "Too bad ignorance isn't painful"

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