[s-cars] ISO Recaro Start booster seat

Varon H. Fugman vfugman at globaldialog.com
Tue Apr 29 22:24:39 EDT 2003

Not to deprive anyone's child of their very own Recaro, but you might also
take a look at the booster seats made by Britax.  My son is very happy with
his Starriser Comfy.  It is very adjustable, and padded on the bottom to
protect the car (I rejected numerous booster seats that looked like they
would make nasty impressions in the leather!)  They also have another model
called the Roadster, but beware of the leapard print fabric!

Much better than mass-market seats.  I paid about $120 at a local baby
speciality store.


'95 urS6
'99 9-5 Sportwagon

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