[s-cars] heel-toe driving

Dave Burig dburig at igsenergy.com
Wed Apr 30 10:59:42 EDT 2003

To those of you who replied, on and off list about the heel-on-the-gas,
toe-on-the-brake technique being appropriate for cars with bottom hinged gas
pedals, I defer to your experience, however, I must add...If my Aunt had
balls she'd be my Uncle, thankyouverymuch!  Our cars don't.
I will stand by my assertion that using the ball of the foot (and by this I
mean that big, meaty area on the bottom of your foot about an inch and a
half behind your big toe, please note that this distance increases
proportionately with the length of your tail) on the brake, and rolling the
right side of the foot onto the long pedal is the most accurate way to
modulate the throttle, using the smaller muscles of the foot and lower leg,
rather than the upper leg, thigh, and buttocks muscles needed to apply heel
to the gas. (Will "buttocks" make it past the I.T. police Pauly?) The same
theory (using the smallest muscles possible to most accurately accomplish a
given task)applies to curling your toes forward while braking in the event
of impending lock-up, rather than backing-off the brakes with your leg.
This being said, I'm not an instructor, (far from it) but I've had a few
good ones, (not on par with the 'Poet's) and I'm certainly willing to listen
to others' input.  Unfortunately, 99% of the miles that I put on my car are
NOT on the track, and the aforementioned H/T technique is used for sheer
enjoyment, and to extend the life of my synchros.  The leftward extension of
the lower portion of the gas pedal that started this rant would get in my
way, IMHO, BTDT, NCFS, YMMV, etc.  You may love it, and it will look great
with your grapefruit juice can exhaust tip and the neon license plate

Dave "this message brought to you by WAY too much caffeine" Burig

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of CyberPoet
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 4:14 PM
To: dburig at igsenergy.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Cc: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Subject: [s-cars] heel-toe driving

Having been taught left foot braking and heel-toe driving by what I
believe to among the best in the world (thanks Colin & Christian!), I
CAN'T say that it ever involves using the ball of the foot on the gas
with the toes on the brake, but rather the right edge of the right foot
on the gas, and the left upper half on the brake if you have to hit
both at once (the heel part is for pivoting without moving the ball of
the foot, at least as I was taught). Have we all been doing it wrong
all these years? I doubt it... But I wouldn't put it past the
rice-burner poseur drivers who figured it out for themselves simply by
reading about it in R&T, C&D, etc to having gotten it wrong.

=-= Marc Glasgow

Dave Wrote:
As one who uses the misnamed heel-toe technique subconsciously in daily
driving, I, for one, have never used the technique shown in the diagram
the ebay page for this product.  The act of actually putting one's heel
the gas pedal while toeing the brake (or even using the ball of the
seems utterly ridiculous at best, and requires quite an awkward
Heel-toe as I learned it (thank you Ms. St. James, high heels and all)
doesn't involve the heel at all.
Am I all wet, or is this a POSEUR/RICER mod?  Can I get mine purple
anodized?  If so, how well will they conduct heat?
I actually think our cars are set up pretty well for heel-toeing, using
stock pedals and stock 12EEEs (you know what they say about guys with
feet...they have an easier time matching revs!)

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