[s-cars] FW: How to remove Headrest?

Brian Powell brian at atomicham.com
Wed Apr 30 10:36:43 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.  I have forwarded this off to
the person who asked me in regards to his A6.  I personally like having
all of the headrests in... :)

Thanks again!

On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 06:11  AM, Robert Myers wrote:

> I have removed the rear head supports from my urS6 but have not even
> looked at the fronts.  The rears come off thusly:
> 1.      Pop off the plastic rings around the shafts where they enter
> the seat back.  They simply slide up further onto the shaft and do not
> come completely free - yet.  They are a snap fit onto the top of the
> seat back socket tube which holds the shaft in position.
> 2.      Pull the retainer clips thus exposed free of the groove of the
> socket tube which holds the shaft.  It looks a bit like a small
> retainer clip from a small tractor mower lift blind bolt if that means
> anything to you.  A pair of needle nosed pliers will likely be helpful
> for this operation.
> 3.      Repeat for the other shaft.
> 4.      Lift the head support upward with a curving motion (the shafts
> are curved). 
> 5.      Snap the retainer clips back in place in the groove of the
> socket tubes so that the clips will not become lost through negligent
> vacuuming practices.  :-)
> 6.      Slip the "decorative" plastic rings off the now free shafts
> and snap them back onto the place where they came from.
> 7.      Store the newly removed rear head supports in a safe place so
> that you may restore them to their original position in preparation
> for selling the car whenever you may wish to do that someday in the
> far distant future.
> 8.      Be prepared to explain the removal process to the new owner
> who will then most likely also remove the head supports in favor of
> better rear vision. 
> At 07:39 AM 4/30/2003 -0400, Rich Assarabowski wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out how to separate the posts from the
> headrest too.  Looks like there's a notch in the post and a plastic tab
> (part of the headrest) that fits in the notch.  FA does show them
> separate, so they must be removable.  I've asked a number of people
> (dealer, Chris Semple, etc.), no one seems to know.  I'm afraid to put
> too much force on these for fear of breaking something...  Best bet
> would be to remove the headrest cover and see how exactly these are put
> together.
> -- Rich
> >Looked in the FA,
> >And the clips are as Ray describes. It also shows that each rod is
> separately removable from the headrest. Doesn't >show how, but it does
> show them separate. Pop the cover and check it out :)
> >
> >Mark
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> I've been wondering...  Who would Jesus bomb?
> Bob
> *****
>  Robert L. Myers  304-574-2372   
>  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA  WV tag Q SHIP        
>  '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen   ICQ 22170244         
>  http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm
> *****


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