[s-cars] Phew...

thomas.pollock at AMD.com thomas.pollock at AMD.com
Wed Apr 30 17:08:49 EDT 2003

Hey guys,

as a change of pace to the H/T thread..  as some of you know I just started
chasing down a loss of power issue with my car now that the weather is
cooperating. It actually runs as smooth as it ever did (watch it!) and the
boost gauge has been consistently in the 20+ range, just not the thwack I
was used to. Fearing the worse, I had images of turbo on the way out (excuse
for RS?) or maybe burned valve (non-rs manifold) but figured I'd try the
easy stuff first. (ok pressure test SHOULD have been first). So I've got an
02 sensor on order (car has ~70k on current sensor) and threw in a new set
of plugs, inspected boots etc... but, but... last night while goosing her a
little while running along side a really long cement wall I thought I heard
something. Turn around and try again. Yippee !!!   That old Pssshhhhh we all
experience at one time or another, Paulie more than most 8-).  Maybe not as
catastrophic as originally thought but hey I've got Samcos in there. WTF ?

Haven't gotten under the car yet but I did check the hose at the moisture
trap and the top IM Samco hose. Do those things soften up with time ?  Mine
feels softer than the OE. Could I have popped a Samco ? Has anyone ever
popped a Samco ?  (I hear some run up to 29lbs !!!)

Another thing that baffles me is why does my gauge still show +20lbs ?  I'm
tapped in right after the trap.

And while I'm at it.  I need to replace the valve cover gasket. Do the two
(or three, I can't remember) spacers that the cover (the coil packs) screws
into need to come out ?

Oh well, I feel better now.

 |  _______                                                   |
 |  \____  | Advanced        Tom Pollock                      |
 |  /|   | | Micro           thomas.pollock at amd.com           |
 | | |___| | Devices         Voice: (978) 795-2534            |
 | |____/ \|                 Fax:   (978) 795-2555            |

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