[s-cars] Where is the A/C Air Flap motor

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 4 14:09:12 EDT 2003

Hi all,

My HVAC gives a code 15.5: Air Flap Static Block. Side effect, no A/C.
Duh! I've checked in the Bentley and have seen only 3 flap motors with
position sensor:
- Central Flap
- Defroster/Footwell Flap
- Temperature Flap
The closest guest to Air Flap is Recirculating Air Flap but it's vaccum
accuated and it flip when I put the A/C on. So, where is this damn Air
Flap and where is its actuator. Is it accessible without removing half
the interior.



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