[s-cars] Fuel Filter & Servo Disabled

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Sat Aug 9 09:09:16 EDT 2003

Hi James;

This bolt adjusts the preload on the rack gear set. If your steering has a
dead spot on centre or seems a bit "loose" on centre, the preload may need
adjusting. In extreme cases, you may hear and feel a "pop" in the steering
as you bring it through centre.

The Bentley has a procedure to adjust the rack preload. I usually do it by
turning in the bolt 1/8 of a turn and driving the car. When you get the
preload too tight, the steering will not return to centre on it's own and
you have to back off the adjustment.

You may have to be careful with this adjustment. A lister on the Quattro
list just posted today that he was adjusting his preload and turning the
steering wheel to eliminate a clunk when he heard a "crack" from the bolt
area. His rack now spews Pentosin from around the adjustment bolt, so a
certain amount of caution is prudent.


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of James Murray (QC/LMC)
Sent: August 7, 2003 2:02 PM
To: 'Dan Slagle'; Audi Fans Mail List
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Fuel Filter & Servo Disabled

Hi Dan, what effect does "tightened the adjustment bolt {1/4 turn} on the
Steering Rack" provide, and how do you know if you need to do it?

Cheers, /James '93 S4.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Slagle [mailto:dslagle at boardmanpark.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 1:29 PM
To: Audi Fans Mail List
Subject: [s-cars] Fuel Filter & Servo Disabled

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Listeners:  As a follow-up to my question regarding changing the fuel
filter, everything went well, i.e. no spraying gas all over.  Per the
advice from the List, I pulled the fuse of the Fuel Pump and cranked the
engine a couple of times and loosened the Gas Cap, then very cautiously
and slowly unbolted the Filter with plenty of rags on hand.  Some fuel
dripped out, but nothing major.  While I under the Hood, I removed the
relay for the Servotronic - BIG DIFFERENCE - should have done it awhile
ago.  Recently, I tightened the adjustment bolt {1/4 turn} on the
Steering Rack, which also made a big improvement in the steering.
Thanks for all the info.

95.5 S6


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