[s-cars] rear brake lines

Trevor Frank tfrank at symyx.com
Tue Aug 12 14:24:12 EDT 2003

You might want to check out goodridge for the lines and fittings, they
have more options then earls.

I don't like non-swaged on a street car, I have enough to worry about
other than another threaded union.  I would even think about going as
far as putting swaged together for a race car.  All of the best lines
for race cars are now swaged, all of the top fab shops and race teams
have the equipment to swage.  Check out the top end of Hydroflow/XRP
they are all swaged.

-----Original Message-----
From: Theodore Chen [mailto:tedebearp at yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 1:02 PM
To: Igor Kessel
Cc: s-cars
Subject: Re: [s-cars] rear brake lines

--- Igor Kessel <igor at s-cars.org> wrote:
> Yes, Teddy, htose look right. Although I personally prefer to order
> pre-fabbed from Earl's Indy. Last time around I ordered them from
> Saummit, and they cost me $60 for the set of 4.

pre-fabbed - so does this mean you got lines with swaged fittings?  or
did they use screw-on hose ends and assemble them for you?

> Just remeber to add 1"
> to the lenght, coz the SS lines do not stretch unlike the OEM ones.
> break strands if overextended. I once caught my RR line ready burst
> open. Scary.

you said 17" for front lines, 10" for rear lines.  you're suggesting
that i should add 1" to each, so 18" front and 11" rear?  is this length
fitting to fitting?



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