[s-cars] //S Fest '04?

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Tue Aug 26 21:13:46 EDT 2003

Hey, I resemble that remark.

God knows I wanted to be there, and should have been. But when you own your
own business, sometimes ya just can't do things.
I missed a good time there is no doubt about it.

You HAVE to do it again next year Paul, I will get more crazy Canucks coming
down with me, and we will bring all the liquid crack you can handle (Molson

Ahh, what can I say, you the MAN !!! (especially if you pull off a triple

Mark S
----- Original Message -----
From: "Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)" <WQQ2PXK at ups.com>
To: "S-Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: [s-cars] //S Fest '04?

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> Vincent had a premonition:
> From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Vincent_Fr=E9geac?= <vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Subject: RE : [s-cars] S-Fest ROCKS!
> Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:34:37 -0400
> Hi all,
> I have so many memories of this perfect day I won't bore you with a 100
> pages post. All I can say is my mate, a perfect stranger to the Audi
> world, in fact a perfect stranger to any mechanics related talk, already
> asked me if there will be another S-Fest next year as she wants me to
> make the 6 hours trip again to meet all of you. This get me to the
> point. I've missed the last S-Fest but I remember it was a 30ish people
> party. This year, twice as much people says they will be there. I didn't
> count all the people I've met there but I felt we overcrowded a bit
> Paul's home. If we double the number of listers every year, I'm not sure
> Paul will handle it in it's beautiful garden.
> So, we have to find a solution to keep the S-Fest going. I would be glad
> to organize something in my area but I'm not sure a lot of NE listers
> would make the trip to Montreal. Anyway, if there is any way I can help
> to organize the next S-Fest in the NE area, let me know. S-Fest not only
> rocks, the show must go on!
> See you next year... anywhere.
> Vincent
> '96 urS6 still on the S-Fest buzz!
> Heh, Vincent, your wife is certainly a keeper!  Thanks for your kind
> thoughts and concern.  Last year?  45 cars, 75+ people.  Lost count this
> year, I'd say 60+ cars, 100 people maybe?
> 2004?  Dunno my friend, agreed, may be a larger and crazier foray for me
> my yard!  Hafta sleep on it for 9-10 months again, maybe I'll bump my head
> once more and throw another.  I'm open to suggestions, though hell, this
> ain't a "mine only" thang, I won't be offended if others are dumb enoug...
> er, want to take over from here!  We'll see...
> Great to have you down representing the Canadian contingency, too cool...
> not like that Strangeways guy, or worse yet that Randy Lewis guy, heh heh
> 8-)...
> -Paul
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