[s-cars] //S Fest '04?

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Wed Aug 27 20:17:51 EDT 2003

Hey, Hey! Wait a minute. I'm ready to drive 12 hours back and forth as
I've done to go to Paul's S-Fest but Elkhart Lake is 15 hours from home!
Remember, S-Fest was NE for a reason. If we plan something in the middle
of the United States, I don't think we'll have a lot of listers from
either shore and you'll certainly loose all canadians - OK, there was
only one, but as this only one is the one speaking, this only one is
very important ;-)

South Heaven is a bit better, 11h from home, but it's still a bit far
for NE listers.

I think Paul's idea of regional S-Fest was the best and there should be
SE, NW, SW, NCentral, SCentral S-Fests too but keep our NE S-Fest in NE.
Pleaaaaase, so I can keep having fun!

'96 //S6 who really don't want to miss the next S-Fest and she's not
allowed in ecomic filghts.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] De la part de Daniel Hussey
Envoyé : 27 août 2003 02:23
À : chris chambers; s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : Re: RE:[s-cars] //S Fest '04?

Well, yes, Gingerman is a great central location, but if we are going to
that, why not shoot for Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin (only
hours away)!!!!!   AWSOME track!!!!  And, VERY centrally located.  Any
Badger Quattro guys here???

Anyways, that is my favorite track and if we did an event there, I'd be
over it!!!   ;^)

So, what do you say to 4.5 mile track through beautiful wooded areas,
of safe runoff and gravel traps, and elevation...  Also, there is some
hotel accomodations for events, etc...  The Osthoff is VERY nice.  The
there is basically a summertime resort town.  Very quant.  What do you

I'd love to have everyone up here in the beautiful Northwest, but our
selection of tracks sucks and we are no where near centrally located.  I
vote for Wisconsin!

'95 S6 Avant (Europa/ecru)
Seattle, WA

----- Original Message -----
From: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:42 PM
Subject: RE:[s-cars] //S Fest '04?

> I too would love to test drive other cars, and I have got what I
> believe is a GREAT idea of where to do it!
> Michigan is very central to most members...
> Let's have it in South Haven Michigan, there is a great local track it
> is Gingerman Raceway, here is a linki:
> http://www.gingermanraceway.com/
> Not too far from Canada, ohio, indiana, Illinois, centrally located to
> those in the east and west. If we plan it ahead early enough we may be
> able to have a gathering at the race track. They routinely do carious
> club events.
> If the track isn't available we could meet at the Tire Rack in
> They have their own test track and routinely do auto cross events.
> Still very centrally located...
> Chris
> Waiting to be told how much of a bad idea this is!
> --- konecc at snet.net wrote:
> >
> > I'd love the opportunity to drive other people's cars, either on the
> > road or on a track.  The old Devens military airport in Ayer, MA is
> > super location and would be very convenient for most of us.
> > Unfortunately they're pretty solidly booked throughout the year on
> > weekends for autocrosses (SCCA, NESCC, PCA, etc.) and other events.
> > I know there are openings during the week, but that would limit
> > participation by a lot of us.  The cool thing is that you have a big
> > open space with two airport runways where pylons can be set up and
> > cars can be wrung out.  No alcohol allowed, though, you need to sign
> > insurance waivers, restrict entry to participants, etc.  Might be a
> > bit too formal for us...
> >
> > -- Rich A.
> >
> > --------------------------------
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have so many memories of this perfect day I won't bore you with a
> > 100
> > pages post. All I can say is my mate, a perfect stranger to the Audi
> > world, in fact a perfect stranger to any mechanics related talk,
> > already
> > asked me if there will be another S-Fest next year as she wants me
> > make the 6 hours trip again to meet all of you. This get me to the
> > point. I've missed the last S-Fest but I remember it was a 30ish
> > people
> > party. This year, twice as much people says they will be there. I
> > didn't
> > count all the people I've met there but I felt we overcrowded a bit
> > Paul's home. If we double the number of listers every year, I'm not
> > sure
> > Paul will handle it in it's beautiful garden.
> >
> > So, we have to find a solution to keep the S-Fest going. I would be
> > glad
> > to organize something in my area but I'm not sure a lot of NE
> > would make the trip to Montreal. Anyway, if there is any way I can
> > help
> > to organize the next S-Fest in the NE area, let me know. S-Fest not
> > only
> > rocks, the show must go on!
> >
> > See you next year... anywhere.
> >
> > Vincent
> > '96 urS6 still on the S-Fest buzz!
> >
> >
> > Heh, Vincent, your wife is certainly a keeper!  Thanks for your kind
> > thoughts and concern.  Last year?  45 cars, 75+ people.  Lost count
> > this
> > year, I'd say 60+ cars, 100 people maybe?
> >
> > 2004?  Dunno my friend, agreed, may be a larger and crazier foray
> > me and
> > my yard!  Hafta sleep on it for 9-10 months again, maybe I'll bump
> > head
> > once more and throw another.  I'm open to suggestions, though hell,
> > this
> > ain't a "mine only" thang, I won't be offended if others are dumb
> > enoug...
> > er, want to take over from here!  We'll see...
> >
> > Great to have you down representing the Canadian contingency, too
> > cool...
> > not like that Strangeways guy, or worse yet that Randy Lewis guy,
> > heh
> > 8-)...
> >
> > -Paul
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
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> 73 Porsche 914 2.0 (67,000 original miles, stock), 67 GMC Long Step
95% complete frame off restoration, 86 VW Scirocco Wolfsburg
> "If things seem really under control, you're not going fast enough.  -
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