[s-cars] Broke Rear End Traction this AM (On the Dry!)

Cody Payne cpayne at bconnected.com
Mon Dec 8 10:42:09 EST 2003

Well I did something I have never done in my S-Car.  Accelerating from a
stop on right hand sweeper....got the rear-end loose WOT.  I was pretty
surprised to feel her go and just had to adjust with some minor
countersteer and never let off the throttle.  Left some nice rubber in
the road too. But she did feel darn powerful with the cool air.  Cant
wait for that new turbo to come in...going to be even more enjoyable ;-)

Temp about 38-40 deg with high humidity (about to snow yeay!) probably
was the cause.  Running Dunlop WinterSport M2's.

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