[s-cars] Go Fast Music / iPod Update

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Thu Dec 11 11:13:03 EST 2003

It took me awhile (as usual) but I finally have almost 1800 songs on my
iPod now and last night installed the  http://www.moodlogic.com/ music
organization software.
Awesome just friggin awesome!  Choose songs by song, artist, album,
genre, tempo, mood and even range of year/s.  
The iPod connections are hardwired into the Blose, can be unplugged and
worn whilst washing car, taken on vacation and played through any
available stereo with aux. inputs.  
I have often read of the audible shortcomings of mp3, but to my deaf
ears and stromunged goofy car it's not a factor.
Get an iPod on your holiday gift list and hardwire that sucker in
Bill m  -button pushing gadget freakOholic 

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