[s-cars] 5 spd 1st gear noise issue - some interesting

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Sat Dec 13 10:08:46 EST 2003

Earlier, Lee Levitt wrote:
> Paul writes:
> >
> > If you have a 1995.5 it seems the way to go is an S4tt 6-speed.
> > It supposedly bolts straight in, no Pro-Con 10 issues.
> Is this true? Those trannies have to be a bit more easy to find than the
> older 6 speeds...

I believe the S4tt 6 speeds can be used in any of the UrS cars, 

Avoid the AllRoad 6 speed, it has real low 1st and 2nd gear ratios, 
AND has a lower R&P ratio.  It will NOT work with any of the UrS 
rear differentials.

The S4tt gearbox has slightly longer 5th and 6th gear ratios than
some of the earlier European 6 speeds, but my guess is you won't
notice it.  Gear ratios are covered here:

Some of the later S4tt gearboxes won't have the bolt holes to attach
the ProConTen bracket on top of the transmission.  This can probably 
be adapted, but it would not be simple without shop equipment.  Here
are pictures showing the location of the later missing bolt holes,
(pictures toward the bottom):

Some of the S4tt geaboxes have an oil pump for an external cooler, 
and some don't have this.  If the gearbox you find has this you'll
need to either rig a bypass oil line or fit an external gear oil
cooler.  If it doesn't have an oil pump, it's probably no loss for
most street driving.  Here's a writeup on installation of an S4tt
gearbox with an oil cooler:
If you are having gearbox problems, and you can find any S4tt 6 speed
gearbox, I'd say go for it.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418  
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi     photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features  
  97 Dodge Ram   -  40 PSI, 4x4 w/Cummins turbo diesel

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