[s-cars] IR Remote Programming

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Dec 17 10:43:11 EST 2003

Bob writes:
> Searched the Archives with no luck, can someone give me the
> instructions for programming a new infared remote? Also, isn't there is a
way to
> program keys 1 and 2, to correspond to seat and mirror positions...

I keep this file on my Palm just in case...it works for my '95.5 and my '96,
it may work for earlier cars too.

Audi lock reprogramming

1. Put 1 key in the ignition and turn it on. (Don't start the car, just turn
it on until the dash lights up.

2. Roll down driver's side window. (You don't really have to do this, but
I'd hate to lock my key in the car)

3. Take the second key and lock the car using the drivers door.

4. Hold BOTH buttons on the remote until the turn signals flash and the door
unlocks. It should take about 5 seconds or less. Bingo!

To program a second remote, open the door, turn the ignition off and back
on, lock the door and hold both buttons on the second remote until the
lights flash and the door unlocks.


'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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