[s-cars] BPV and Pressure Losses - MORE

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Tue Dec 23 22:24:53 EST 2003

Sorry, Scott.  I missed seeing this email in my weekly pile.

I'm not familiar with the 10VT engine, so I have never given your
question any previous thought.  As you know, the A'pexi controls the top
of the WG.  As for why Audi would control the WG bottom differently
between the two cars, I can only guess it was to be able to hold the WG
open when the throttle was closed or closing.


QSHIPQ at aol.com wrote:
> Yes, it's just like the audi.  A stepper motor is a better device for the
> job.  The "A'pexi is defnitely snappier" than the stock WGFV could be a true
> statement, since it has tunnel vision to it's mission.   What about the trivia
> question Kirby?
> > Why did audi change from the WG feed -
> > Manifold (10vt CIS) to WG feed - Turbo Scroll (20vt)?
> Advantage/disadvantage
> > to either?
> ;)
> SJ
> In a message dated 12/19/2003 6:37:03 PM Central Standard Time,
> kirby.a.smith at verizon.net writes:
> On a stock engine, the A'pexi is definitely snappier.  Isn't the Audi
> WGFV a duty-cycle solenoids like A'pexi use?
> kirby

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