[s-cars] Bypass Valves and Pressure Losses (Uh, Pizzo??)

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Mon Dec 29 11:48:47 EST 2003

PS - re: the Last, does anyone have any real feel for the "truth" of
Garrett's advertising claims for their compressor wheels to be "... the most
advanced, state of the art etc. available ..."  Question, see (if you can
read it):


which reads, in part, "... In the 1990's Garrett engineers developed a
radically new efficient turbocharger baptizing it 'New Garret Technology'
a.k.a. the 'NGT' Turbo.  Over time the term was shortened to 'GT' and is now
used to specifically describe the aerodynamically advanced..... "
accompanied by a pair of hardly legible charts "conclusively" I assume
documenting and proving Garrett's case

Mike "Wondering, Are we driving old technology KKK's, but mighty relieved to
finally now know where the GT (apparently never trademarked) in GT30R comes
from" Pederson

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