[s-cars] interior wood q

Frank Amoroso fjamoroso at webtv.net
Sun Feb 2 10:27:05 EST 2003

Whoa, come again. factory Piano Black?

I've never seen or heard of this. Do you still have it? If so, got pics?

To the best of my knowledge the following were available:

In the US:

'92 came with elm (w/ one piece passenger side dash piece due to lack of
passenger airbag).

'93 CF (NLA from Audi, or prohibetively expensive if it is).

'94 - '95.5 Walnut (later in the run the "quattro" emblem came as a
chrome plate as opposed to just script).

In Europe, per the Euro FA, it seems as if all of these were available +
texturized aluminum look (a la A4 1.8t, only a bit darker) + maple
(light or dark? that is the question).

Haven't seen Piano Black listed on US or Euro FA. That doesn't mean it
doesn't exist, as the only people screwier than Hans und Klaus are
Harald und Ulrich, the FA brothers.

As mentioned in the past, I think the Piano Black would be the shite on
non-black interiors, but a dark grey would be best for black interiors
like mine.

Can anyone shine any light on this?

Hope the Steamboat and Laguna crews are having a good time this weekend.

Frank at s-cars.org

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