[s-cars] Massachusetts law enforcement
Lee Levitt
lee at wheelman.com
Tue Feb 4 08:14:05 EST 2003
It's only Feb 4 and I saw a *lot* of enforcement on the Mass Pike yesterday.
Radar traps on both sides of the Pike just west of the Cambridge/Allston
ticket booth, and a laser setup inside the new tunnel. The setup in the
tunnel was pretty obvious, what with 3 cars parked on the side, and by the
time they lit me up I was safely under the speed limit.
Be careful out there.
'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant
> Hello Massachusetts Motorists,
> The third installment of the "Click It or Ticket" campaign is upon us. As
> you may have heard, this will again involve 260+ Local Police Departments
> and the State Police. This next "mobilization" is coming between February
> 10th and February 16th.
> During that week, Massachusetts residents can expect to be scrutinized for
> every minor equipment or traffic violation in order for the police
> department to qualify for the federal dollar. (To be exact, $1.4 million
> federal dollars in grant money...)
> The officers who sign up for the program will be paid overtime for extra
> or four hour shifts each day. And so once again, you can expect the police
> to be aggressive in their pursuit of the grant, ticket fines and their
> overtime pay at your expense. Since the police departments participating
> "Click it or Ticket" must report their total citations to the state after
> each initiative, you can bet they will write you up for anything in order
> get that money.
> The Massachusetts "Click It or Ticket" campaign is brought to you by:
> The Governor's Highway Safety Bureau
> 10 Park Plaza, Suite 5220
> Boston, MA 02116
> phone: 617.973.8900 fax: 617.973.8917
> http://www.mass.gov/ghsb
> I am sure they'd like to hear your opinion on this. And mark your
> the next one will be May 12-26, 2003.
> Ivan Sever
> NMA MA Coordinator
> the next one will be May 12-26, 2003.
> Ivan Sever
> NMA MA Coordinator
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